What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a gentle treatment method focusing on the restoration of movement of the musculoskeletal system.
The chiropractic treatment generally consists of the manual adjusting and mobilisation of joint fixations, mild traction, and the treatment of muscles and fascia (shell layer).
In the center of the chiropractic treatment lies the vertebral column (Spine), which joins the brain with the rest of the body via the spinal cord. The spinal cord is highly sensitive and a vital structure protected by the spine. When the motion of a vertebral body is disturbed, the spine’s mobility is affected, causing muscular tension and thus resulting in a joint fixation (inability to move), not necessarily at the initial disturbance.
This explains why a vertebral joint fixation can result in a disc prolapse, irritation of the nervous system, or dysfunction of an organ.
Therefore a well-maintained and balanced skeletal system is essential for one’s general well-being.
Different Techniques
The Activator Method
Applied Kinesiology
Diversified / Gonstead
Thomson Terminal Drop
Trigger Point Therapy / Dry Needling
Spinal Decompression (traction Table)
This is the first Decompression System that adds the capability of advanced treatment of nerve and foraminal encroachment syndromes and a new option for patients suffering from spinal stenosis.
KDT treats disc bulge and herniation, disc degeneration, sciatica, spinal stenosis/arthritis, facet syndrome, and more.

Chiropractic History

In Greek, chiropractic means treating (practice) with the hand (chiro), which focuses on treating and preventing mechanical-related problems of the muscular-skeletal system.
Since ancient times the manual treatment of joints was acknowledged, even mentioned by Hippocrates. 1895 the American D.D. Palmer established modern chiropractic as a treatment method of its own.
Today enough research and studies have been conducted placing chiropractic into the primary health profession alongside the medical profession.
The Spine
The spine, the central organ of our muscular-skeletal system, is the focus of chiropractic treatment. A disturbance of this system results in a dysfunction of the nervous system and thus of the whole organism.
We owe our upright posture to the elastic and load-capable nature of the spine, which also protects the spinal cord – the link between the brain and the rest of the body.
The spine consists of vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, ligaments, and muscles. It is divided into three segments – the cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back), and the lumbar spine (lower back). The human being has 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar vertebral bodies.
The sacrum, coccyx, and Sacroiliac joint also form a critical junction between the spine and the pelvis.
Education and Membership
Chiropractic education which follows the guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO), consists of a 4-year professional bachelor’s degree (BHSc: Chiropractic) followed by a master’s degree (MHSc: Chiropractic). These are the minimum qualifications for registration with the statutory council: Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA).
- DCG – Deutschen Chiropraktoren Gesellschaft e.V.
- CASA – Chiropractic Association of South Africa
- EAC – European Academy of Chiropractic